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Thursday, August 27, 2015

If you’ve ever had any kind of foot pain you may have others tell you it is everything from joint stiffness and arthritis, to bruising and fractures.


You may have even hear the word Neuroma come up. If you have persistent foot pain and aren't sure what could be causing it, make sure you know the source of your pain. Here are some differences in foot pain and how you can tell them apart.

Joint Pain

If a joint in your foot appears red, hurts or burns, and is swollen, you are most likely experiencing joint pain. So if your toes hurt, especially at the base of your second and third toes, you might be suffering from a joint problem rather than from a neuroma. Joint pain can be caused by many factors such as ill-fitting shoes, high heels, arthritis, being on your feet for extended periods of time, bunions and bone spurs, injuries, and toe deformities.

Anti-inflammatory medications, NSAIDs, resting your foot, and icing your foot should help relieve your symptoms. Be sure you are wearing properly fitting shoes that support your feet for the best results in reducing joint pain in your feet. Your podiatrist will have more remedies for metatarsalgia pain.


Neuromas are tumors or growths on your nerves. Usually, neuromas are benign tumors and are just nerves that are swollen. Cancerous nerve tumors are called by another name altogether. Some types of neuromas are caused by trauma to the affected area and are called traumatic neuromas. Another type of neuroma is called a Morton’s neuroma. Morton’s neuromas are located on the foot, and can be quite painful.


Individuals that experience pain in the ball of their foot might be experiencing a Morton’s neuroma. Morton’s neuroma can be distinguished from foot joint pain by several characteristics. If you have a neuroma you may have the following symptoms:

• Pain in the front of the foot and between the toes.

• Numbness or tingling in the ball of the foot.

• Swelling between toes.

• Pain in the ball of your feet, especially when weight is placed on it.

Some treatment options for lessening pain and reducing the neuroma are ensuring that the front of your shoe has plenty of room for your toes to move around, icing the ball of your foot, taking an NSAID to reduce inflammation, resting your feet whenever possible and massaging them often. If these options don’t help, a trip to the doctor might be advised.

Doctor’s treatments for neuromas include steroid shots, specially designed devices, surgery, and stem cell therapy in some cases. Stem cell injection therapy is one of the latest treatments for pain. According to Nexus Pain Specialists, stem cells are harvested from your own body and used to treat the neuroma. Stem cell therapy promotes healing and is a non-surgical option for those with neuroma pain.

Foot pain can be a real bother. If you’re struggling to feel your best, use these tips to identify and start healing your pain.


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