Breaking News
Thursday, October 8, 2015

When you look at the statistics and find that there are about 6 million children in the U.S. are suffering from food allergies. 

This illness has spread more due to the lack of awareness rather than the allergy itself. When you possess the knowledge about the disease and have the will to engage yourself in fighting the allergies to keep the children safe it is simple. Consider the following points that will help you plan your battle against these food allergies.

School is may be the second place, after home, where children spend their time. THEY LEARN. THEY PLAY. THEY EAT. Informing the school authorities about the food items that your child is allergic to can make a great deal of difference in taking precautions.

School cafeteria and the meal that are served to the children in the break can be monitored for any nut or egg allergies. Clearing your queries can keep you well informed and the authorities at the school can be more cautious.

Set up meetings with the medical department and make sure the nurse understands the severity of the allergies. Learn and get educated about the method of dispensing the medication and the place where the medicines are stored.

Going by the basic statement, any smell, animal, pollen, any food item, milk, or dust, that triggers the immune system to react, in order to protect the body causing an allergic reaction is called allergy. Hence identifying the response of the body against certain things can help a lot in taking preventive measures.

Teachers can step up to the situation and inform the parents about the allergies that they have discovered in the child. This will help the parents take necessary precautions and care at home.

Nurses at the school can maintain a separate diet plan for such students. The chart can depict what the child can have and what he cannot have. The medical staff can also consider suggesting medicines that can help the children in getting cured for the allergies. Parents can consider asking if the cafeteria has an allergy table for that the table is away from the smell and food that may trigger allergies.

Packing lunch can be an excellent option for the parents to ensure that the children are guarded against unhealthy food or the food that may contain the allergic reaction triggering agents. Home cooked food is not only healthy and nutritious but also an adequate meal for the child. Children may be tempted to eat chocolates that contain nuts even when they know that they are allergic to it. You can pack them snacks and chips that they can consume. These steps work best for a play date.

Washing hands and never sharing food with the friends who have allergic conditions can be an excellent precaution. You can motivate your child to participate in the battle against the allergies and boost his or her morale. The primary objective is that kids should enjoy their childhood and live healthily.

Author:-  Prince Martin is a Freelance writer with experience of more than 6 years in professional writing. He specializes in writing for Health, web marketing,  legal, logistics, etc. He is also a nature lover with keen interest in global culture and heritage.


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